Friday, October 31, 2008
When James Rhines first saw that his two political yard signs were missing, he thought they had blown away. But when he went down the street to recover them, he found no trace of either sign.
Rhines, a Missoula Republican, isn’t the only Missoulian to have signs go missing. One of his signs was for Linda Frey, a University of Montana professor who is running for House District 94. Frey says that 30 MORE
Thursday, October 30, 2008
HOUSE DISTRICT 97: Carol Minjares

AGE: 59
HOMETOWN: Missoula
OCCUPATION: Attorney/proposal writer, Edulog-Logisys, 1995-2008.
FAMILY: Husband, Gus.
EDUCATION: B.A., J.D., University of Montana
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Five Valleys Pachyderm, Republican Central Committee, Big Sky Practical Shooting Club, Missoulians on Bicycles, Moose Lodge.
Best way to meet Minjares? Go online
Her message is simple. Stop the madness.
Carol Minjares, Republican candidate for House District 97 in Missoula, wants more responsible spending from the state government in Helena. MORE
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Stang drops write-in race in Senate District 7
State Senate District 7 candidate Judy Stang confirmed that she has called off her write-in campaign and has endorsed fellow Democrat Paul Clark. Stang was running against Clark, who beat her in the primary race, and Republican Greg Hinkle. Senate District 7 includes parts of Sanders, Missoula and Mineral counties. Click here is Stang’s statement
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A local gun group is taking aim at the 6-Mill Levy for higher education, saying it wants to ‘send a message’ to the Board of Regents that "disarmed victim zones (university campuses) are dangerous places and don't make anyone safer.” -MORE-
Monday, October 20, 2008
Senate District 7: Paul Clark

HOMETOWN: Born in Morristown, N.J., lives in Trout Creek, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Cheryl Des Marias; two children
POLITICAL or PUBLIC SERVICE: Montana House of Representatives, 1998-present
Clark hopes to jump from House to Senate
Trout Creek Democrat Paul Clark says guiding Montana through tougher times will require cooperating with Republicans across the aisle. -MORE-
Senate District 50: Cliff Larsen

AGE: 65
OCCUPATION: Retired businessman since July 4, 2008; Operates a horse and cattle ranch
HOMETOWN: Emmett, Idaho; he's lived in Missoula for 24 years
FAMILY: Wife, Trish, and one grown son
EDUCATION: BA from Boise State University; Master of Social Work, Portland State University
POLITICAL or PUBLIC SERVICE: Commissioner, Missoula Airport Authority Board; first chairman of the Insure Montana health insurance program; Mansfield Library board member, University of Montana
ORGANIZATIONS: Habitat for Humanity, Rotary International, American Legion, Hellgate Post 27, Team Leader for the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk, Ducks Unlimited, Five Valleys Land Trust, Missoula Food Bank, Poverello Center, Missoula Symphony Board of Directors
Larsen says he'll focus on health care, seniors
Democratic senatorial candidate Cliff Larsen worries about Montana’s seniors. If elected, he said, his top priority would be to ensure that they lose no ground when it comes to benefits and rights. -MORE-
House District 95: Kevin Blackler
AGE: 51
OCCUPATION: Custom Screen Printing & Sign
HOMETOWN: Missoula
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Ran for House of Representatives District 95, 2006; member of the Missoula City Planning Board, 2006-Present
Yes, District 95, there is a GOP candidate
You haven’t received phone calls, seen many signs or had canvassers knocking at your door campaigning for Kevin Blackler. In fact, if you tried to get a hold of him, you might be skeptical of his existence. I know I was. MORE
House District 99: Jedediah Cox
Republican Jedediah Cox is leaving the country in a week—though he’s technically still in the running for House District 99. Cox, 23, is heading to Ulsan, South Korea, to teach English.
He said he would return to Montana to take his seat in the Legislature if he were elected in November, but admits that is unlikely.-MORE-
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Senate District 50: Kandi Matthew-Jenkins

HOMETOWN: Missoula since 1961; born in Chicago, Illinois; she has also lived in India
EDUCATION: Equivalency of 1 year of college in Sociology at Flathead Valley College and McHenry, Illinois. Also trained medical receptionist, but not certified from College of Technology in Missoula
Matthew-Jenkins seeks government reform
For Kandi Matthew-Jenkins, the urge to enter politics first surface when she read an advertisement saying the city of Missoula was going to raise fees for business licenses. Being the owner of a small business, she went to City Hall to check it out. -MORE-
Seeley Lake Considers 3 percent Resort Tax

Tax would finance water system upgrades
By CHARLES PULLIAMSEELEY LAKE — Residents here will go to the polls Nov. 4 to decide whether to tax tourists to help upgrade the town’s water and sewer systems and save the area’s treasured lake. -MORE-
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Election Office in a Frenzy of Preparation
The Missoula County Commissioners' meeting room looks like a tornado has run through it. Scraps of paper are strewn about, tables and chairs are shoved ungraciously to the side.
The room has been taken over by the county elections office, which is busy preparing for what is expected to be the biggest election in Missoula history. MORE
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
House District 92: Robin Hamilton

AGE: 61
OCCUPATION: Retired teacher, Hellgate High School in Missoula; Co-owner of The Shack restaurant in Missoula.
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife: Peggy Patrick; one son
EDUCATION: B.A. in English, M.A. in Education and Administration, and M.F.A. in Creative Writing, all from the University of Montana
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Montana House of Representatives, 2004-present.
Hamilton focuses on education policy, growth
Robin Hamilton spent 32 years in front of the chalkboard – the last 24 of them teaching English at Hellgate High School. When he lay down his chalk, he went to Helena to try educating lawmakers about how the state can help teachers and students.
“Being in education I saw Republicans reduce funding in the public school system for 16 years,” Hamilton said. As he neared retirement in 2004, friends called and suggested he run for the HD92 seat and take his concerns about school funding to Helena. He won, and he wants to keep his new job. -MORE-
House District 91: Tim Furey

AGE: 54
OCCUPATION: Director of development, Opportunity Resources, Missoula
HOMETOWN: Born in Montana, now resides in Piltzville
FAMILY: Wife, Sue; three sons
EDUCATION: M.A., Public Adminstration, Northern Illinois University, 1987; B.A., Forestry, University of Montana, 1978; A.D., Marketing, McHenry College, Crystal Lake, Ill.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Montana House of Representatives, 2007-present; Bonner Development Group from 1995-1997; Cub Scout Leader; U.S. Marine Corps, 1972-1974.
Furey puts experience to work campaigning
When Tim Furey’s son was called to duty with the Army Reserves, Tim followed suit and landed in Helena. Now he is running for reelection to the seat that was vacated by his son in 2007.
Furey, a Democrat, is running for reelection in House District 91. The seat was held by his son Kevin until he reported for Army Reserve officer training in May of 2007. Furey won the election to fill that seat, but if Furey’s jump into politics was inspired by his son, it is a natural extension of his own involvement in the community. -MORE-
Race Report: Hill challenges Furey for HD91 seat
House District 90: Ray Hawk

AGE: 67
OCCUPATION: Retired, formerly spent 10 years in banking; worked as a self-employed auctioneer
HOMETOWN: Resident of Florence, Mont.; born in Detroit
FAMILY: Wife, Arlene; two children
EDUCATION: Two years of college, University of Montana.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Three terms in the Montana House of Representatives.
Hawk backs lower taxes, strong property rights
Ray Hawk is running for reelection on the same platform of reducing taxes and protecting private property rights that has won him his previous three terms representing House District 90 in the Montana House of Representatives. -MORE-
Race Report: Taxes, wolves, energy distinguish Gritzner, Hawk
House District 87: Peter Rosten

AGE: 59
OCCUPATION: Founder and teacher of Media Arts in the Public Schools; former Hollywood movie producer.
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, N.Y.; current Darby resident.
FAMILY: Wife, Susan; Four step-children
EDUCATION: One and a half years at San Fernando Valley State College as a philosophy major POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Named "Corvallis Community Volunteer of the Year" in 2005; Won Corvallis School District’s "Exemplary Service Award" in 2008.
Hollywood to Helena:
Ex-producer touts entrepreneurial energy
Most Montana legislative candidates don’t consider party affiliations “disenchanting.” Most candidates haven’t started an academic-based business run almost entirely by students. Most candidates haven’t produced a Hollywood movie. Even fewer have left Hollywood to become a ranch hand in Montana.
Peter Rosten, Democratic candidate for House District 87 in Ravalli County, is not your typical candidate. And, he’s proud of it. -MORE-
Race Report: HD87 candidates tout energy, experience
Monday, October 13, 2008
Missoula County Commissioner: Michele Landquist

AGE: 53
OCCUPATION: Farmer, property manager, freelance word-processor.
HOMETOWN: Lolo, Mont.
FAMILY: Husband, Bruce; two adult daughters
EDUCATION: B.S. in Biology, University of Montana
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Lolo Community Council for two terms; Girl Scout leader; 4-H leader; Lolo Lions Club; Watershed Education Network; Lolo Watershed Group.
Landquist promises to be a good listener
Michele Landquist is running for Missoula County commissioner because she has “witnessed citizens walking away after participating in the public process feeling distraught, as though their concerns, opinions and ideas were being heard but not listened to.” MORE
Race Report: Commission candidates each claim to bring diversity to board
House District 94: Linda S. Frey

AGE: 61
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Single
EDUCATION: B.A., summa cum laude, The Ohio State University; B.S., summa cum laude, The Ohio State University; M.A., History, The Ohio State University; Ph.D., History, The Ohio State University
Professor of history, University of Montana, 1991-present
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Board of Governors, Historical Society, 2000-2003; Selection Committee, James Madison Fellowship, 1998-1999; President, Western Society for French History, 1992-1993; Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, intermittent; President, Montana Association of Scholars; Governors Board, Western Society of French History; Member, Royal Historical Sociey; Member, Department of Army Historical Advisory Committee; Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2006; Reviewer, United States Department of Education, 2003-2006; Reader, Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education, 2004;Member, National Security Seminar, 2000; Joined with neighbors to defeat Hillview SID; Fought commercial development in Elk Hills; Helped defeat projected new zoning ordinance
ORGANIZATIONS: 5 Valleys Pachyderm; Organist, St. Francis Church
Frey vows to fight for right to protest taxes
Linda Frey has never run for elective office before, but the rookie Republican has several ideas to bring to Montana’s House of Representatives if elected in November. -MORE-
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
House District 93: Dick Barrett

AGE: 66
OCCUPATION: Professor of economics (retired), University of Montana
HOMETOWN: Missoula, MT
FAMILY: wife Sharon, daughter Myra Frances Frisbie
EDUCATION:Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1972; B.A., economics, Swarthmore College, 1964
PUBLIC OR POLITICAL SERVICE: Volunteer, Peace Corps, 1964-1966; Democratic Central Committee; Governor’s Economic Development Council; Missoula Food Bank; Missoula Medical Aid; Montana Conservation Voters; Missoula Planned Parenthood; Missoula Whitewater Association; Treasurer, Montana Federation of Teachers; President, University Faculty Association
Barrett seeks to protect state's environment
Dick Barrett’s campaign for House District 93 draws on 38 years of personal and professional experience in western Montana, including a 25-year career as a professor of economics at The University of Montana. -MORE-
Monday, October 6, 2008
House District 94: Dave McAlpin

AGE: 43
OCCUPATION: Executive Director, Court-Appointed Special Advocates of Missoula
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Beth O’Halloran; two children
EDUCATION: B.A., Political Science, University of Montana, 2006 (attended Carleton College in Northfield, Minn. for three years, finished degree at UM); Polson High School, 1983
POTITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Seeking third term in Montana House, current House minority whip
Health care tops McAlpin's re-election agenda
After introducing legislation in 2005 that urged physical activity to enhance health, then freshman legislator Rep. Dave McAlpin received some interesting hate mail.
“I got hate mail from my niece when I introduced that bill,” McAlpin said. His niece wasn’t wild about the additional years of physical education the bill required in Montana schools. MORE
House District 97: Michele Reinhart

AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: Planner, Missoula City/County Office of Planning and Grants
HOMETOWN: Born in Tacoma, Wash., raised in Livingston, Mont.
FAMILY: Single
EDUCATION: B.A., Environmental Studies, Carroll College, Helena, Mont., 2002;M.S. Environmental Studies, University of Montana, 2006
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: State Representative, House District 97, 2007-2008; House committees: Business and Labor, Human Services, Rules; Board Member of Forward Montana, 2004 – present
Reinhart: Protect environment in push for energy
Michele Reinhart says she is in a rare position, working as both a city/county planner and legislator. “I get to implement the laws that have been passed. So I get to see what works and what doesn’t work.” MORE
House District 95: Diane Sands

AGE: 61
OCCUPATION: Development Director, Historical Museum at Fort Missoula
HOMETOWN: Frazer, Mont.
FAMILY: Partner, Ann Mary Dussault
EDUCATION: Undergraduate work in Anthropology at University of Montana; Graduate work in Women’s Studies at The George Washington University
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Involved in politics and public service for 30 years on various state and local campaigns, as well as several terms as a state legislator
Sands' priorities: 'Your money, your issues, your life'
Diane Sands has been working in politics for three decades and says there is no shortage of work left to do. -MORE-
House District 93: Steve Dogiakos

AGE: 23
OCCUPATION: University student, Top Hat bouncer/doorman
HOMETOWN: Morton Grove, Ill.
FAMILY: Single
EDUCATION: Business major, University of Montana, expected graduation in 2010
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: President and public relations chairman, University of Montana College Republicans, 2008; founder, University of Montana Students for Concealed Carry; member, Five Valleys Pachyderm Club; Eagle Scout
Dogiakos backs higher ed, cuts in business tax
With a mohawk and a little hair bleach, Steve Dogiakos might not seem to be your typical Republican politician. -MORE-
House District 98: Sue Malek
AGE: 57 on Oct. 29
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Husband, Bill Turner; one son
EDUCATION: Graduate work in Communications Studies, University of Montana, 2000; B.S., Psychology, Montana State University, 1994
Malek ranks education and energy as top priorities
Sue Malek, the Democratic candidate in Missoula’s House District 98, says the best advice she ever received came in one word: “Listen.” -MORE-
House District 98: Will Deschamps

OCCUPATION: Small business owner
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Janice; two sons and a daughter
Deschamps makes residency an issue
The seat for Montana’s House District 98 is wide open this election, and Republican Will Deschamps is running hard on the argument that legislators should live in the district they represent. -MORE-
House District 96: Steve Eschenbacher

AGE: 52
OCCUPATION: Public defender
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Susan Rudisill; three children
EDUCATION: JD, University of Montana, 1995; MPA, University of Montana, 1991; BA, anthropology, Eastern Washington University, 1979
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Officer, United States Army, 1979-1995; United States Air Force, 1975-1977; Montana National Guard, 1973-1975.
For Eschenbacher, less government is best
Steve Eschenbacher wants to put Montana back in the hands of Montanans. He says the strength of the state is its people and so they should have the power. -MORE-
Senate District 7: Greg Hinkle

AGE: 63
HOMETOWN: Born and raised in Bellingham, Washington but lives in Thompson Falls, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Gail; two sons, one daughter
EDUCATION: Attended Skagit Valley College for one year in 1965 before landing an apprenticeship with a corporation on the Washington Coast and becoming a machinist.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Candidate for Senate District #7, 2004, 2000; Commissioner, Sanders County Park Board.
Hinke says he's the conservative in SD 7
Republican Greg Hinkle hopes to win his third race for state senator in District 7 so he can argue for energy efficiency, less state spending and more focus on local agricultural.-MORE-
House District 96: Teresa Henry

AGE: 56
OCCUPATION: Assistant professor, Montana State University, Bozeman College of Nursing
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Husband, Stephen Egli
EDUCATION: B.S., nursing, Mercy College of Detroit, 1974;
M.S., University of California, San Francisco, 1981
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Representative, Montana State House of Representatives, 2004-present.
Henry focuses on better health care for all
What do nursing and politics have in common? Teresa Henry. In fact, her 34 years of nursing experience are why she got into politics. MORE
Missoula County Commission: Larry Anderson

AGE: 65
OCCUPATION: Current County Commissioner; former owner of Eastgate Rental and Party Center.
HOMETOWN: Missoula; Born in Omaha, Neb.
FAMILY: Wife Linda; two children
EDUCATION: Two years at University of Nebraska-Omaha before moving to the University of Montana in 1963; graduated from U of M School of Forestry in 1967 with a degree in Forestry and Range Management; M.B.A. in Business Administration, Oregon State University, 1975.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Currently serving as county commissioner; served one term on Missoula City Council, 1996-1999; former Missoula City Administrator, 1986-1990; U.S. Army as executive officer of an artillery unit in Vietnam; member and trustee of American Legion Post 27; member of Missoula Chamber of Commerce and Missoula Exchange Club; former member of Missoula County Weed Board, Missoula Chamber of Commerce and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee.
Anderson says County Commission needs a Republican
It had been almost 20 years since Larry Anderson had lived in Missoula when he passed through on a road trip to visit in-laws in Butte. He stopped to visit an old college friend, who encouraged him to apply for a job as Missoula’s city administrator. That was in 1986 and the friend was the recently elected mayor of Missoula, Bob Lovegrove. -MORE-
Race Report: Candidates both say they'll bring diversity to commission
Senate District 43: Dick Motta

OCCUPATION: Retired businessman
HOMETOWN: Philipsburg, Mont.
FAMILY: Single; three sons
Retired businessman sets sights on Senate
Senate District 43: Jesse Laslovich

AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: Full-time law student
HOMETOWN: Anaconda
FAMILY: Wife, Jill
EDUCATION: Attending University of Montana Law School; B.A., Political Science, University of Montana, 2003.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Montana State Senate 2004-present; Representative, Montana State House of Representatives, 2000-2004; Member, Deer Lodge County Mosquito Control Board, 1999-present
Laslovich savors 'veteran' status in Legislature
Some college freshmen learn to study. Some learn to party. Eight years ago, then-University of Montana freshman Jesse Laslovich decided to learn about the Montana’s Legislature – from the inside Now, when the veteran state senator looks back, he laughs. -MORE-
House District 99: Betsy Hands

AGE: 38
FAMILY: Single
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Peace Corps Volunteer 1996-1998, Montana House of Representatives 2007-present
Hands: Environment, energy are priorities
When Democrat Betsy Hands and her former Republican challenger for House District 99, Jedediah Cox, met at a television interview, he dressed up in a suit. She wore a Hawaiian shirt and hand-shaped earrings, unintentionally alluding to her last name. -MORE-
House District 92: Dan Stusek

AGE: 21
OCCUPATION: Sports Authority (part-time)
HOMETOWN: Missoula, Mont.
FAMILY: Parents, two older sisters, and one younger brother and sister (siblings ages ranging from 30 to 17)
EDUCATION: UM senior in political science, with a minor in history. Planning to graduate in the spring, and would like to enter law school within the next few years.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Senator, ASUM; College Republicans' state secretary; intern, U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns in Washington D.C., summer 2006; intern, U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg, Missoula, fall 2005
Stusek says he brings an inquiring mind to race
Aside from homework, sports, and enjoying the outdoors, University of Montana senior Dan Stusek doesn’t fit the bill for the average 21-year-old college student. He’s running as the Republican candidate for House District 92 in the Montana House of Representatives, and will be facing off with long-seatedface Democrat Robin Hamilton, a 61-year-old retired high school teacher.
“He is willing to run in a race where he didn’t have a leg up in,” said Will Selph, state chair of the College Republicans said, a group Stusek is also apart of. “He doesn’t really back down from challenges.” -MORE-
Measure would raise $16 million for emergency center
Imagine you are the victim of a crime.
That’s the mindset Missoula County Sheriff Mike McMeekin asks of anyone taking a tour of the current home of his department.
He wants voters to imagine the short, narrow lobby where a victim would sit and wait to be interviewed. He wants them to visualize recounting the crime at a small table, in a tiny corner room that also houses rows of file cabinets that have no where else to go.
“All we’re trying to do is get people information. We want them to make up their own minds,” said McMeekin.
The tours are part of an effort by several county agencies to inform voters of a bond measure they’ll see on their November ballot. The bond would generate $16 million of the $23.5 million needed to build a new emergency operations center. The cost for a resident with a home valued at $200,000 would be $27.82 per year. The rest of the building cost would come from cash reserves, grants, and other sources available to the county.
The center would bring together the sheriff’s department and 9-1-1 center in a new building that would be constructed next to the county detention center on Mullan Road. It would house a regional training facility and evidence unit, and create a central location from which local authorities would work in times of prolonged emergencies, such as wildfire, natural disaster or community medical crisis.
According to Bob Reid, Missoula County Emergency Services director, “We have really good first responders, but in the end they are only as effective as our ability to get them to you.”
That is one of the main reasons Reid sees this center as a necessity, after watching the effects the job and working environment have on his staff. Dispatchers currently work in a basement room with no natural light. During 12-hour shifts, they’ll take calls on everything from a fender bender to a baby in distress.
The 9-1-1 center has lost a third of its dispatchers since January. Calls for service, though, aren’t going away. They go up an average three percent every year, said Reid. In 2007, there were 160,000 calls to the 9-1-1 center, resulting in 120,000 dispatches for services.
Tours of the building continue up until the election. They are every Tuesday at noon and every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. The tour begins at the information desk on the first floor of the county courthouse. More information is available at the county Web site.
House District 88: Bob Lake

AGE: 70
OCCUPATION: Worked in Agri-business for 38 years, National Product Manager for Peavey, Co., and owner of Lake Milling Inc./Lakeland Feeds for 22 years
HOMETOWN: Ronan, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife, Faithe; one son and one daughter
EDUCATION: Ronan High School
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Served as president or chairman of the board of: Montana Chamber of Commerce, Montana Feed Manufactures Association, Montana Chamber Foundation, Hamilton Lions Club, Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce. Was on the board of: Montana Lottery Commission, Governors Cup Committee, Montana Ambassadors, Montana Council of Economic Education, Workforce 2020, Montana Delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business, Hamilton Golf Club, Ravalli County Salary Review Committee, Ravalli County Justice of the Peace selection Committee.
Bob Lake seeks fourth term as Bitterroot rep
Bob Lake has lived in Montana his whole life – all 70 years of it.
Lake, the Republican candidate for House District 88, has been here as a farmer, a business owner and an Army veteran.
He’s also lived in Montana as a husband, a father and a grandfather.
These experiences have been the foundation for many of Lake’s decisions in his last three terms as a state legislator. And, if he is elected to another term on November 4, Lake said his life experiences would continue to influence Montana politics.
“I have very strong feelings about the state,” Lake said. “My role for being here at all is to make it a better place when I leave.” - MORE -
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
House District 91: Walter E. Hill

AGE: 71
OCCUPATION: Retired professor, University of Montana
HOMETOWN: Seeley Lake, Mont.
FAMILY: Wife: Annette; two sons and one daughter
EDUCATION: J.D., University of Montana, 1996; attended Oregon State University, 1967-1969; Ph.D, University of Wisconsin, 1967; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1964; B.S., Brigham Young University, 1961.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: Member, Seeley Lake Community Council, 2007-present; President, Seeley Lake Water District, 2006-present; Candidate, Montana State House of Representatives, District 92, 2006; Alderman, Missoula City Council, 1972-1974; Member, Missoula City-County Planning Board.
Walt Hill runs as an advocate for UM, Seeley Lake
Walt Hill’s supporters say that he’s a rare breed in politics – a down-home but very intelligent man.
It’s hard not to recognize the wealth of knowledge Walt Hill brings to the race to represent House District 91. A retired biochemistry professor from the University of Montana, Hill, 71, has spent much of his life in a classroom. With his days as a university educator behind him, Hill still spends time teaching in the University of Montana research labs. -MORE-
House District 88: Patrick Boylan

AGE: 31
OCCUPATION: Process Development Engineer, Glaxo Smith Kline Biologicals in Hamilton
HOMETOWN: Orlando, Fla.
FAMILY: Wife, Julie; one son
EDUCATION: B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
POLITICAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE: State Forensic Science Advisory Council, 2003-present; Montana Board of Medical Examiners, 2007-present
Economy focus of Boylan’s inaugural campaign
When Johns Hopkins graduate Patrick Boylan moved to Montana, he found a job at a veterinary lab that eventually went out of business. Boylan, who has a bachelor of science in biomedical engineering, worked temp jobs in construction to help bring in money for him and his wife.
Boylan feels that his situation wasn’t unique among people living in House District 88, which includes Hamilton, Grantsdale and parts of Corvallis. -MORE-